10 Shots Comments
First Blog: Noah Marchiesello (All bullying in the comment are jokes)
Shot #6: Tilt shot of the Lely mascot. (The Trojan)
This made me feel the same feeling I would get if I were to go to the Lincoln Memorial I feel, if I wasn't a student here at Lely, I would assume this is a commemorative statue of an actual Trojan that at one point existed, I don't know how to put into words the sort of feeling you get from visiting and looking at architecture or commemorative statues but at the very least, I can describe it as almost honorable (the statue). However the shot was taken by Noah so it's actually the worst shot of anything ever taken. (obviously)
Shot #3: Close up shot of the leaf.
I enjoyed this shot a lot and it is one of the best (if not, the best) shot out of all of them. It is calming, and I think it is primarily due to the 1. Stillness of the camera and 2. High fidelity of said camera. The point is that the shot is very good. (Of course, since the photo was taken by Noah, that docks it down 10 points bringing it to a total of 0 points)
Shot #9: High Angle shot depicting clock in the middle (and me)
This reminds me of movies where the character explores and calmly solves puzzles to find treasure, when I think of clocks and these sorts of angles, it's just the first thing that comes to mind, so if I were to describe what I feel about the photo, it would be that it has a weird, almost puzzling ambience and that it is kind of depressing because of all the gray. (Since this shot was also taken by Noah it was enough to make me lose all feeling from the waste down and spiraled me into a depression because it was SO HORRID. As soon as I watched this shot my family disowned me out of embarrassment 0/10 this shot ruined my life.)
Jokes aside, the shots were pretty good, I wrote those comments to bother him.1
Second Blog: Carson Zuck
Shot #9: This is a head-on shot.
I really like this shot. It really did feel like she was trying to kill me (or the cameraman). This is the sort of stuff people are too scared to watch with 3D glasses at the theater. Genuinely though, really energetic subject, almost too happy to run at the camera and smack it. This shot makes me feel like I'm watching a friend playfully hit another friend.
Shot #6: This is the reaction shot.
It feels like a friend was spacing out and then got caught off guard by the presence that was next to them the whole time. It's the sort of stuff you see in movies as comic relief, which is why I think and feel this one is pretty funny.
Shot #3: POV shot.
I think this is one of the most impressive shots, it moves a lot like your head would really making it seem like I'm looking through their eyes/perspective. So much so that it's honestly almost a little creepy. So if I were to describe it, I feel cool/creepy from watching this one.
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